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#Dearme: A letter to my teenage self

Dear 14-year-old me,

Hello darling, how long will it take you to understand and accept that this letter is written from a 28-year-old you? I just turned 28 last Tuesday or I should say you just turned 28 last Tuesday. Throughout the years I have been collecting a series of experiences that I think I can share with you right now through this letter. However, our journey is still not over, don’t you ever think that!

I know what you think about the world, I know you convictions. You are strong; stronger than many kids your age, you should know that. You are only starting to discover the world and people around you, as if you were opening your eyes for the very first time. You are lucky, very lucky! You should be a little happier for that reason. And you are a dreamer, you cannot fool me; I know you very well! Isn’t life just a little better in your head? But darling, that is not life. God has given you a broad imagination, use it! It is WON-DER-FUL! You know something? You should write… Yes, write. Can you try put on paper all the things that you imagine? Trust me, they will be very valuable one day! But it is very important for you to start now.

There are many things I need to tell you. There are things you haven’t known yet, but darling, you will. On the one hand, there is regret. Regret is such a powerful feeling! And it makes you look back at your decisions with deep sorrow. On the other hand, there is sadness. Honey, when we make life decisions to please others, to fit other people’s standards (even if they are very close to you and love you), when we do not believe in the word “DREAMS” or in our own words, we experience sadness. I only wish you could understand that you have a VOICE. You will discover later in life that the others also have voice and are important, but you should know NOW that you are important, that you are creative, that you are a little nuts (yes, that is true he he), but that you are valuable and people would not love you more for being otherwise. If only you would know…

Are you still there, little me? I apologize if I offend you by calling you “little” all the time; you are a teenager, I know. I only do this because you inspire such tenderness on me, I only have words of love for you. So, I hope you are still reading this letter from me to you.You are cool! Everything about you is cool, even your name is cool! Don’t be so self-conscious. Everybody at your age is self-conscious; even the coolest/popular/gorgeous kids from school! Even them! Self-consciousness is destructive. Unfortunately, by the moment of writing this letter, you have known a thing or two about that. You have hurt yourself too much by being self-conscious and that is not a state in which you can live for too long! Honey, being sad is not a sport, it will not make you better or cooler, you will only end up developing self-destructive behaviours from that. You are loved, VERY MUCH LOVED!!!! And love will be the only thing keeping you from destroying yourself; remember that.

Little me, you will do things with that little life of yours that you have never imagined; know that! But they will not come cheap. You have to work hard, never stop working hard, NEVER!!! You are an amazing person able to do everything you desire ONLY if you NEVER STOP WORKING HARD. There will be no way for people to notice you and consider you if you do not make a continuous effort to work hard and be heard. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! Let me tell you, nothing is guaranteed in this life but death. So make sure you are always, from this moment and until forever, doing something everyday to accomplish your dreams. Believe in your dreams, they are worthy. A 28-year-old you is telling you this for a reason. Could you guess?

I trust you, little darling. Now you trust me, difficult things are coming but you will face them bravely and they will make you stronger. You could save yourself some tears if only you take in what I am suggesting in this letter; although you will learn, just by living, that tears are necessary after all. Dear me, I trust this letter will change your life for better. I wish I could turn back time and work everyday for my dreams, I wish I could have understood my coolness, I wish I had listened to my own voice back then. Regret is too hurtful. You do not need it.



© 2015 Grecia Albornoz


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Pero no.