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Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como life

The cost of living

Long afternoons ahead On the premise of survival Dead hours Commutes Life from Monday to Friday Lethargy In my cubicle   Logic standing pleased On top of the still bleeding corpse of my desires Meanly holding my pride Simplified dreams The cost of living © Grecia Albornoz 2019

Persona non grata

Persona non grata I am To friends and family Because I made a life In times when no one deserves to   Persona non grata © 2018 Grecia Albornoz

Resiliencia/ Resilience

Existiremos Aunque se nos venga el mundo encima, Aquí estaremos A oscuras También se vive. We will exist Though the world falls on our shoulders, Here we’ll be In darkness We'll live. © Grecia Albornoz 2017

Errores/ Mistakes

Y cometemos errores Y la vida se nos hace larga Pero no es nada Nada en realidad. ©Grecia Albornoz 2017 And we make mistakes and life seems endless but it's really nothing nothing at all. ©Grecia Albornoz 2017


For many years I thought I needed romance To have some poetry in my life. Now, I've understood I am Poetry. © 2015 Grecia Albornoz -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poesía Por muchos años Pensé que Necesitaba romance Para tener algo de poesía en mi vida. Ahora he entendido que Yo soy La poesía. © 2015 Grecia Albornoz


Life? I’ve tried life I’ve tried to be a preschool teacher; Failed. I’ve tried to be a university teacher; Failed. I’ve tried to be a girlfriend; Failed. I’ve tried to be an adult; Failed. I’ve tried being tough; Failed. I don’t want anything to do with life anymore I’ve tried to be a sister, and a leader but, Failed. I’ve tried to have responsibilities but, Failed. I’ve tried on justice but, Failed. I give up on my life. Here am I Mourning my sorrow Slowly Sipping it Almost pleasantly. Life? In the midst of nature, Life. Quietness, Life. Music, Life. Freedom,s implicity, l eisure, Children and their education and words… I’ve tried life [Confusion ] And I miss it. © 2014 Grecia Albornoz

There are great things...

© 2013 Grecia Albornoz