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Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como past

(A Rather Formal Letter to an Old Friend)

(A Rather Formal Letter to an Old Friend) Santiago, September 21st, 2018 Dear People from my Past, You’re too many. It’s so hard for me to address you…I should start over. But who starts over in a letter? Dear Dearest People from my Past, Those Who Have Considered Me Significant at Some Point, Those Who Have Loved Me, Those I’ve Loved, Those I Miss, As time passes, it becomes more and more difficult (for me) to talk to you; and it’s been such a long time… I often feel like writing, but I hardly ever do. You know I’m not very communicative. That doesn’t mean I don’t remember you, though. I always do. But you know me... forgive me. You, however, are very communicative. I find your daily Facebook posts so entertaining. I share them sometimes, and sometimes you share mine. I only wish (at times, wish) some of them were addressed at me. But I understand the cynicism in that demand. I can’t (and won’t) ask for that.  The times we share (even online) are fun. An...

La historia

La historia está ahí para ser vista. Todo dolor cesa. Toda agonía culmina. Todo pasa, Hasta las cosas buenas pasan. © 2013 Grecia Albornoz

El Pasado

El pasado no pasa, Se escribe sobre los cimientos del nuevo día. La misma mañana de ayer Con rastros frescos; Supuesta novedad. © 2011 Grecia Albornoz