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Support group

On the first day, they asked me what  my condition was . That seemed odd to me considering the variety of attendees. There were all sorts of people: doctors, lawyers, engineers, painters, dancers, teachers, actors. They were very different, but still they said, that in that place, there was something they all shared. Maybe I wasn’t observing things quite well.      “ We all have something here ”-the moderator explained. “ That something cannot be seen at first sight. It is not, necessarily, a lack of audition, sight, speech, or limbs, nor the possession of extra limbs, or paralysis. No, that’s not it. What we have can only be seen by those near us, those who’ve known us for years, those who’ve lived with us and have seen us light and dark. Only those ”-he paused then to ask me: “ And y ou, s ir, what is your problem? Why have you come here? ”      “ Yes... yes.... I understand… ”-I said. “ I… you’ll see, there are...