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To my boss

Caracas, July 28th, 2015 To my boss Dear Mr.     I am writing this letter to inform you of my personal decision to quit teaching. This is motivated by the fact that, today, after having the world experienced many Schools of Thought and after having it come up with many learning theories, we still believe that teaching (especially at the university) means transmitting knowledge from an all mighty (and all knowing) supreme mind to thirty to forty students each class.   As I see it, inspired by those learning trends, teachers have assumed different roles. We have been instructors, auditors, brain challengers, facilitators and promoters of learning environments… This rings many bells in my head. I strongly believe you don’t need professors to “instruct” people anymore and you don’t need professors to quietly accept to teach your lessons every year. You don’t need professors to transmit knowledge. I believe you need professors to ch...