Y seremos viejos, Y sufriremos (de) algo, Y los afanes de la juventud Nos servirán de nada, Y nos atormentar á n nuestras tristezas, Y querremos morir… Cuando seamos viejos, Los 20 se ahogar á n, Y sus travesuras, Y no te acordarás de mi, Y no me acordaré de ti. © 2015 Grecia Albornoz And we will be old, And we will suffer (from) something, And the struggles of our youth Will be meaningless, And our sadness will torment us, And we will want to die... When we are old, Our 20s will drown, And its naughtiness, And you will not remember me, And I will not remember you. © 2015 Grecia Albornoz
¡A buen entendedor, pocas palabras! A word to the wise is enough!