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(A Rather Formal Letter to an Old Friend)

(A Rather Formal Letter to an Old Friend) Santiago, September 21st, 2018 Dear People from my Past, You’re too many. It’s so hard for me to address you…I should start over. But who starts over in a letter? Dear Dearest People from my Past, Those Who Have Considered Me Significant at Some Point, Those Who Have Loved Me, Those I’ve Loved, Those I Miss, As time passes, it becomes more and more difficult (for me) to talk to you; and it’s been such a long time… I often feel like writing, but I hardly ever do. You know I’m not very communicative. That doesn’t mean I don’t remember you, though. I always do. But you know me... forgive me. You, however, are very communicative. I find your daily Facebook posts so entertaining. I share them sometimes, and sometimes you share mine. I only wish (at times, wish) some of them were addressed at me. But I understand the cynicism in that demand. I can’t (and won’t) ask for that.  The times we share (even online) are fun. An...

#Dearme: A letter to my teenage self

Dear 14-year-old me, Hello darling, how long will it take you to understand and accept that this letter is written from a 28-year-old you? I just turned 28 last Tuesday or I should say you just turned 28 last Tuesday. Throughout the years I have been collecting a series of experiences that I think I can share with you right now through this letter. However, our journey is still not over, don’t you ever think that! I know what you think about the world, I know you convictions. You are strong; stronger than many kids your age, you should know that. You are only starting to discover the world and people around you, as if you were opening your eyes for the very first time. You are lucky, very lucky! You should be a little happier for that reason. And you are a dreamer, you cannot fool me; I know you very well! Isn’t life just a little better in your head? But darling, that is not life. God has given you a broad imagination, use it! It is WON-DER-FUL! You know something? You shoul...

To whom it may concern

M y mom and dad stopped loving each other a long time ago. They have left their unresolved issues take over them, they have hid their pain  and regret deep inside their chests, and now they just can’t take it anymore. I have always thought their marriage was too complex for me to decipher and sometimes I think there is only a thin thread keeping them from falling apart. When I think of home, I think of yellow and warmth. My parents have done an amazing job at creating a home; they had prayed together, they had stood by each other at difficult times (poverty and disease) but they have also done each other wrong. I believe they’re more like friends now although I remember they once told me they had no friends; not real friends: “People usually aren't friends with each other; there isn't such a thing” -Mom said. “Not even Mr. A, our neighbor”-She pointed out. In my mind, Mr. A and his family were the closest example of loyal friends; or that I thought. “Not even him” I...