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Am I the only one having a dreadful time getting an MA?

  So, I was actually googling “why is it so difficult to get a master’s degree” and I couldn’t empathize with my fellow MA student bloggers I read (if not for the financial problems they had). I just can’t relate to them.  They were sad that they didn’t have enough time to socialize with friends and family, that they former classmates were already making a lot of money and progressing in their jobs while these MA students were “stuck” still studying so they didn’t have a pride-worthy topic of discussion on their dinner tables, and that their study load was too much to handle. I’m sorry, I can’t relate. I have the socio-economical-political situation in my country (Venezuela) to thank for my held back progress in life and feel bad about it; not my master’s studies; also, I’m not that much of a social person (despite being a teacher); and very few people actually require/demand my constant attention to them. My master’s is just a reflection of the world outside of it ...

Maestro. De. Título.

M emorias A carreadas E studiando S upuestos T eóricos R etóricos O cultos, D efiniciones E xtraídas, T errenos I ndagados, T ildados Ú tilmente como L ogros O bligatorios, M omentos A ceptados E xteriormente S in T razos R epentinos de O xigenación. D ifiere, E studia, P ropone, A ctúa P ara E ngavetar L uego la  M aldición E xplícita de N acer T ortuosamente a la  I maginación R eglada de la A cademia. D emuestra E ntusiastamente M anejar A lgún  E squema S uyo T omado de la  R eflexión de  O tros. © 2015 Grecia Albornoz