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Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como woman

Ode to Anxiety

Ode to Anxiety My body has learned a new trick And because it is so enthusiastic about the things it learns  It tries it… and tries it…  Everyday… Anytime possible… I can feel it  Right now Attempting to cut my own breath As if invisible inside claws held my throat tighter and tighter Letting go at times And going back to the choking after deciding I’ve had my fair share of O2  I don’t need to see them I feel them alright. Anxiety,  (They call it online) Obsessive thoughts,  Panic attacks,  Depression…  Derived from unresolved issues from the past Triggered by new issues in my present. Attacks From the inside... By my enemy Myself. © Grecia Albornoz 2019

Herencia/ Heredity

Eres el hijo de la ira engendrado con rabia amado débilmente abandonado acogido por el orgullo criado reafirmado en un mundo de mal engendrados abandonados reafirmados queriendo repetir ciclos. Eres hija de la complacencia engendrada con inseguridad toda tu vida abusada crías hijos maltratados que maltratan e hijas dañadas que se dejan maltratar. Tu herencia. © 2016 Grecia Albornoz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You’re the son of wrath conceived with rage weakly loved abandoned sheltered by pride raised reassured in a world full of ill conceived people abandoned reassured wanting to repeat cycles. You’re the daughter of complaisance conceived with insecurity life-long abused you raise mistreated sons that mistreat and damaged daughters that allow for mistreatment. Your heredity. © 2016 Grecia Albor...

You love me with your boyish heart

"Man's love is of man's life a part; it is a woman's whole existence" Lord Byron You love me with your boyish heart And I love you with my woman´s heart. Something must go wrong at some point; Yours or mine. © 2013 Grecia Albornoz