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Mostrando entradas de 2018

(A Rather Formal Letter to an Old Friend)

(A Rather Formal Letter to an Old Friend) Santiago, September 21st, 2018 Dear People from my Past, You’re too many. It’s so hard for me to address you…I should start over. But who starts over in a letter? Dear Dearest People from my Past, Those Who Have Considered Me Significant at Some Point, Those Who Have Loved Me, Those I’ve Loved, Those I Miss, As time passes, it becomes more and more difficult (for me) to talk to you; and it’s been such a long time… I often feel like writing, but I hardly ever do. You know I’m not very communicative. That doesn’t mean I don’t remember you, though. I always do. But you know me... forgive me. You, however, are very communicative. I find your daily Facebook posts so entertaining. I share them sometimes, and sometimes you share mine. I only wish (at times, wish) some of them were addressed at me. But I understand the cynicism in that demand. I can’t (and won’t) ask for that.  The times we share (even online) are fun. An...

Persona non grata

Persona non grata I am To friends and family Because I made a life In times when no one deserves to   Persona non grata © 2018 Grecia Albornoz

Pero no.

Up for one more round!

Off you go! One more round! Here it comes! 2nd, 3rd, 4th who cares round! On your feet! On. Your. feet! © 2018 Grecia Albornoz

Happy New Year

I must admit They made it grand It was classy relaxing and fun There were fireworks live music champagne There were flowers and you, being relatively good. There was  protocol Lots of protocol... But when the moment came and it all shone brighter I fought hard to hold back my tears and all the expensive enchantment was thus insufficient. © 2018 Grecia Albornoz