Cuando la gente busca metáforas para representar un trabajo arduo, incesante y no reconocido, llega con frecuencia a la imagen de la hormiga; que nunca descansa, que siempre trabaja cada instante de su vida, que es solo una pequeña invisible en el mundo de los grandes y que es a su vez un millar de ellas, pequeñas, insignificantes, incansables. Su labor nos recuerda al todo y a la nada. Poco saben. No creen más que en la jornada, voluntarias del cansancio, víctimas creadoras, incomprendidas, indispensables, utilizadas. La hormiga es siempre la misma, en todas sus generaciones.
© 2015 Grecia Albornoz
The ant
When people search for metaphors to represent arduous, unceasing, and unrecognized work, the image of the ant often reaches their minds. Unresting, working every instant of its life, it is just one small invisible ant in a giants’ world, yet thousands of them; insignificant, tireless ants. Their labour reminds us of the whole and nothingness at the same time. Little they know. They don’t believe in anything except for their journal. Tiredom volunteers, victim creators, misunderstood, essential, used. The ant is alway the same, in all of its generations.
Sometimes I wish I were like them and share their value. He who doesn’t see himself always wants to be someone else.
© 2015 Grecia Albornoz
© 2015 Grecia Albornoz
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