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Please, let the machine do it

Just a random conversation in a random office: 

-“I don’t necessarily hate my job, you know?
I just think it isn’t something worth doing for so many hours a day…
It’s a creativity killer.
One cannot act mechanically for so many hours,
It’s diminishing!
One must explore!
But don’t get me wrong,
I’m thankful to have a job
 I’m just not thrilled about doing what I do 8 hrs a day, everyday. 
Sitting in front of a computer, calculating fares, answering the same questions
Over and over...
And this perfectionism culture!
One cannot take pride on it. 
Perfection is far from human nature!
But someone has to do this!
They say...
I SAY... let a machine do it for us!
It won’t have an anxiety attack  when people yell at them on the phone for a fare too expensive or for something they lost or for being too angry at their own crappy day feeling you’re the best option to vent their anger!!!
It won’t suffer from stress for not meeting sales goals!!!
It won’t get depressed or feel claustrophobic!!!
It won’t feel overly judged!!!
It won’t feel like it’s tolerating things!!!
It won’t long for more!!!
It won’t need more!!!

I was gasping for air by the end of my intervention. 

He looked at me above his thick spectacles, stared at my quivering self for two seconds, and finally prescribed: “We’re gonna try 60mg everyday from now on and see how you feel next quarter, alright?.”  

-”Thank you, doctor.”

© Grecia Albornoz 2019

*Versión es español* 


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…no es que me haya quedado sin palabras,  Es que ya no las escribo.  …no es que ya no lea,  Es que no hay espacio para nada más. Tal vez tú seas un incansable aventurero Buscador de lo eternamente nuevo En un mundo innegablemente viejo. Y yo me he cansado de los imaginarios. …no es que me haya quedado sin palabras,  Es que ya ni me molesto.  © Grecia Albornoz 2024

Pero no.

Pase lo que pase

Pase lo que pase Nos viene una gran desgracia. -Yo haré mi parte. -Yo no. -¿Quién soy yo? -Yo estaré a favor. -Yo en contra. Y a todos nos irá mal. © 2013 Grecia Albornoz